This is a Blog that I use to capture my Apologetic research and other information that I may research or question.
My name is Lawrence Trevor Sok. I hold a Theological Doctorate in Christian Apologetics from Northwestern Regional Theological Seminar. I am a Christian and hold to a Theological Doctrine that is aligned to the Salvation that is provided by the Belief in Jesus Christ, His Death on the Cross, His Resurrection, and the atonement of sin which He accomplished during His life and ministry. I am Saved, I have been Baptized in the Jordan river in Israel. I have made two Pilgrimages to Israel and am an avid learner that always is searching for more.
I wish to learn, to grow in Christ and help others to answer questions that they may have that hinder them from belief in Jesus Christ.
God sets His path before me and I profess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I will follow Him and His purpose for my life.
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